
Effect of Adding L-BAIBA or L-BAIBA + Grains of Paradise to Exercising ...

Effect of Adding L-BAIBA or L-BAIBA + Grains of Paradise to Exercising ...


Effect of Adding L-BAIBA or L-BAIBA + Grains of Paradise to Exercising Overweight Men and Women on Weight Loss and 健康

irb号:irb -23-28


The purpose of this study is to examine changes in body composition, 减肥, and cardio代谢 risk factors after adding supplementation of BAIBA and Grains of Paradise to exercise in overweight and obese men and women.

Exercise and Performance Nutrition Laboratory (Fieldhouse 126)






  • 36 healthy overweight or mildly obese men and women.


  • Participants who are between 18 – 60 years of age.
  • Body mass index values will range from >25.0 to < 32.0公斤/平方米, making them qualified as an overweight-to-obese population.
  • Average body mass index for entire study cohort will be less than 30.0公斤/平方米. As such an ongoing calculation of the recruited cohort’s mean body mass index will be maintained and people will only be randomized into the study if the average cohort body mass index value does not exceed 30.0公斤/平方米.
  • Free-living/uninhibited with use of ambulatory assistive devices (e.g. 手杖、拐杖、助行器等.)和独立.
  • In good health absent of being overweight or mildly obese with no other signs or symptoms of cardiovascular, 呼吸, 代谢, 免疫, 精神病学, 或肌肉骨骼疾病或紊乱.
  • Willingness to maintain consistent sleep duration the evening before study visits.
  • Willing and able to agree to the requirements and restrictions of this study, 愿意给予自愿的同意, 并执行所有与研究相关的程序.
  • Able to complete a peak oxygen consumption exercise test with no contraindications to perform exercise per standards put forth by the American College of Sports Medicine. In other words, they are able to safely complete maximal exercise.


  • Positive medical history and/or is currently being treated for some form of heart disease, 心血管病, 神经疾病/疾病.
  • Current treatment for kidney disease, renal failure, or has dialysis performed on regular intervals.
  • Liver disease or some form of clinically diagnosed hepatic impairment.
  • Diagnosed with Type I or Type II diabetes (determined as fasting blood glucose > 126 mg/dL).
  • Diagnosed with or is being treated for some form of thyroid disease.
  • Diagnosed with major affective disorder or other 精神病学 disorder that required hospitalization in the prior year.
  • Diagnosed with some form of 免疫 disorder (i.e.艾滋病毒/艾滋病).
  • History of cancer (except localized skin cancer without metastases or in situ cervical cancer within 5 years prior to screening visit).
  • Has an abnormality or obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract precluding swallowing (e.g.(如:吞咽困难)和消化(如.g., 已知肠道吸收不良, 乳糜泻, 炎症性肠病, 慢性胰腺炎, 脂肪痢).
  • 目前处方他汀类药物(i.e.,立普妥,利维罗,克力妥,卓康等.)或高血压药物(如.e., Beta-blockers, ACE Inhibitors, Alpha blockers, Vasodilators, 等.).
  • Current smoker (average of > 1 pack per day within the past 3 months) or has quit within the past six months. 这包括所有形式的尼古丁.
  • Intake of any drugs (prescribed or over the counter) or dietary supplements that are known or are purported to 减肥 such as thermogenics, 羟基柠檬酸, 麻黄属植物, 辣椒素, 等.
  • Participants who are lactating, pregnant or planning to become pregnant.
  • Have a known sensitivity or allergy to any of the study products.
  • History of alcohol or substance abuse in the 12 months prior to screening.
  • Receipt or use of an investigational product in another research study within 30 days of beginning the study protocol.
  • 他们计划生活方式的重大改变.e.饮食、节食、运动水平、旅行等.)在研究期间.
  • Recent history (<3 months) of exercise training or 减肥 (> 5%).
  • Any orthopedic limitation that would prevent participation in a general fitness program.
  • 任何情况或异常, 在调查员看来, would compromise the safety of the participant or the quality of the study data.


Information provided here reflects current IRB approval for this research. However, this information may be subject to change and updated accordingly.

中心 & 研究院